Getting over someone you thought you'd be with forever? It’s brutal. Whether they ghosted, gaslit, or weren’t emotionally available, the aftermath can leave you stuck in a loop: stalking their socials , replaying the "good times," questioning your worth. You can break this cycle even when it feels completely impossible. When we are experiencing heartbreak, it’s easy to forget that so many people have experienced this before, too.
But guess what? You don’t need closure from them. You don’t need one last text. What you do need is a shift—a mindset reboot . That starts with affirmations and ones that are personal to you. Affirmations are most powerful when you feel as though they resonate with you. If none of these work, try Manifest and receive 24/7 custom affirmations. Manifest will be in your back pocket from getting over your ex to helping you find someone new. Here are three affirmations to keep repeating when you’re tempted to text your ex.
1. “I do not chase what is not choosing me.” Read that again. Out loud.
You’re not here to beg for breadcrumbs. If they couldn’t see your value, that’s their lack of vision—not your lack of worth. This affirmation is your reminder that love should never feel like a chase. Say it when you're tempted to text. Say it when you’re stalking their page. Say it until it clicks. I know that when you are missing someone, anything can deepen the pit you feel in your stomach. Remember that if they are meant to be in your life, you will cross paths again. It will not take maneuvering or begging. The Universe will simply bring you two back together.
2. “I release the fantasy of who I thought they were.” Half the time, we’re not grieving the person—we’re grieving the potential. The version of them we created in our heads. The one who could have loved us better. But potential doesn’t build relationships—action does. And if they showed you who they are (especially more than once), believe it.
When we are missing someone, we also choose to replay only the highlights. By doing this, we forget that our relationship had complex, emotional challenges and bad moments too. Instead of getting into a spiral by imagining either of these scenarios, just release yourself from the cycle of constantly thinking about them. Remember that you are always worthy of love , especially after a heartbreak.
3. “I am safe, whole, and healing without them.” You don’t need to jump into another situationship to feel complete. You don’t need to prove you’re over it by dating someone new. Healing isn’t linear, it’s all on your timeline. You especially don’t need to broadcast your healing journey either, feel comfortable to heal in privacy (and with support) until you feel 100% ready to get back out there. Even without this person in your life, you are entirely whole and wonderful without them.
Whenever you may be dealing with thoughts of feeling incomplete or valueless, just remember that they did not make you great, you are already great on your own. The most important relationship you ever have is with yourself. Try to nurture yourself and even give yourself a full energy glow-up .
Final Thoughts Healing from a breakup isn’t about forgetting them overnight—it’s about remembering yourself a little more each day. These affirmations aren’t magic spells, but they are powerful reminders. Say them in the mirror. Write them down. Put them on your lock screen. Whatever you do, keep showing up for yourself—because the best love story is the one you write with you.
You are never alone in your healing journey. With powerful tools like Manifest designed to support you through all of your complex feelings, you will always have someone to listen to you. If these affirmations don’t resonate and you need a more personalized experience, Manifest will generate endless affirmations until you find one that clicks.
FAQs What is the Manifest App, and how does it support mental wellness? Manifest is a 24/7 wellness mobile app designed to help users improve their mental health through practices like guided manifesting and daily positive affirmations. It encourages you to set intentions, practice mindfulness, and reinforce a positive mindset daily. By integrating these self-care practices into your routine, the app is a supportive tool for overall mental wellness. (You can download Manifest in the Apple App Store to start your journey.)
How do affirmations and manifesting benefit mental health? Practicing affirmations and manifesting can have a positive impact on mental health. Daily affirmations help reframe negative thought patterns into encouraging ones, boosting self-esteem and optimism. Manifesting — the practice of setting clear intentions for what you want in life — can increase motivation and give you a sense of purpose. Many find that these practices reduce stress and anxiety by promoting a more hopeful, focused mindset. While techniques like affirmations are not a replacement for professional therapy when needed, they are valuable tools in a holistic wellness routine to support your mental well-being.
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